Simple, Creative Newborn Photo Ideas We Love

Now that you've welcomed your little one into the world, you probably want to share photos of them with friends, family and your nearest and dearest – it's only natural.

In a world where Instagram and Pinterest are forever coming up with new photography trends, it can be difficult to pin point one that suits your own creative flair. In this post, we've curated some of our favourite inspirational approaches to creating the perfect snaps!

Top newborn baby photoshoot trends

Try a colour theme

Similar to how many Instagram profiles utilise a colour theme to keep their content consistent, using filters can be a cute way to snap up those happy pics of your little one. Pastels and neutral colours work nicely, you can use a single shade or even mix it up with multiple of the same tone.

Get in the photo

If you’re feeling up to it, why not hop in the shot with your little one? We love seeing those moments of parents cradling their little bundles of joy right in front of the camera.

For an added edge and extra coordination, we recommend matching your outfits to complement each family member; this will really stand out in the final result.

Capture the little things

Your baby will only ever be this young once, so why not capture the little things that will matter the most later down the track? Popular choices are photos of your little one’s tiny feet and hands – how is it even possible for something to be that tiny and cute?

Get their siblings to hop in

If your newborn is not an only child, why not get their siblings to hop in for a few shots? Show off their mutual love with a special photoshoot, reflecting the family’s admiration for the newest (and possibly cutest!) member.

Capture the authentic moments

If you are shooting the photos for yourself, try and keep a camera handy to capture the unique and authentic moments as they happen; sometimes candid is everything.

Whether that’s a shot of dad falling asleep next to your bub or even just your newborn discovering this brand-new world for themselves – surprises are always the perfect memories.

Use a baby basket

Photos of newborns in baskets have always been popular and for good reason – they are super adorable! This photo idea is an easy one to create, too. Simply find a basket big enough for your little one and deck it out with some accessories.

You can fill the space up with a pillow and blanket, then decorate the exterior with any items you find sweet for that additional photo-worthy impact. If you’re feeling like dressing it up a bit, why not colour coordinate the shot by using a toned basket with matching blankets, toys and an outfit for your bub?

Which one is your favourite photography idea?